Community Life


Stewardship of our time, talents, and resources is an obligation upon all followers of Christ, who summons us to generosity and sacrifice. Anyone can give of whatever they have to offer, and all should do what they can to support the parish’s common spiritual life and outreach. Formal membership at St. John’s entails making an annual financial pledge.

Altar Service

Serving at the altar is vital ministry that is at the heart of liturgy. Thurifers, crucifers, torchbearers, acolytes, and more have the privilege of supporting the clergy and guiding the congregation through services. Training is required for these rewarding and spiritually enriching roles. 

Coffee Hour

Coffee hour at St. John’s is more than a get-together. It is our best opportunity to strengthen our community of faith, to build up and sustain relationships of mutual care and concern, and to welcome newcomers into our midst. This cherished act of hospitality is one that parishioners exercise is one another’s service, and we welcome your involvement. 

Ushers and Greeters

Ushers and Greeters have the privilege of attending to the sacred space of St. John’s and welcoming newcomers to this holy place. These ministers ensure that worship here is reverent but accessible and friendly. 

Newcomers’ Ministry

The Newcomer’s Ministry is committed to making newcomers feel welcomed, comfortable, and well-oriented. Our team is here to connect with you and offer opportunities to get involved.

Building and Grounds

The Building and Grounds team meets monthly to ensure the maintenance and upkeep of our church property, focusing on everything from landscaping to repairs. They also plan and oversee improvement projects to enhance the functionality and beauty of our facilities.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry creates handmade shawls that are blessed and given to those in need of comfort, healing, or support. Each shawl is a symbol of the church’s love and prayers, providing warmth and solace to those who receive them.

Meal Ministry

The Meal Ministry provides home-cooked meals to individuals and families during times of need, such as illness, recovery, or life transitions. This ministry offers nourishment and care, ensuring that no one in our community faces challenging moments alone.

Pastoral Care Card Ministry

The Pastoral Care Card Ministry sends thoughtful, handwritten cards to members of the community who are experiencing illness, grief, or other challenges. This simple gesture offers comfort, support, and a reminder that they are not alone in their journey.

Heavenly Helpers

The Heavenly Helpers team diligently tends to the church grounds by weeding and maintaining the landscaping around the building. Their efforts ensure that our church remains a welcoming and beautiful space for all who visit.

Office Helpers

The Office Helpers assist with greeting visitors, answering phone calls, and handling various administrative tasks to support the church’s daily operations. They ensure that the office runs smoothly and that everyone who enters feels welcomed and cared for.

If you would like to learn more about how to become involved in any of these ministries or committees, please contact the Parish Office to speak with the Director of Communications and Administration, Chelsea DiDonato.

Are you a volunteer?