Make sure to check the front page of the website for the latest Sunday and mid-week service time, as well as links to livestreams and bulletins.


St. John’s loves to celebrate. We honor feast days throughout the year with full choir and musical programming. Christmas and Easter have special liturgies to mark their importance in the life of Jesus Christ and for us as Christians. We also bring special attention to St. John’s on Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, Pentecost, and All Saints’ Day.

Learn more about our liturgical calendar and celebrations.


In addition to worship, St. John’s offers opportunities to deepen our faith through study. We have classes and guest speakers on a variety of topics following Sunday morning services; a Bible Study led by clergy and parishioners.

See upcoming offerings.


How long are worship services?

Services are approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour in length.

May I bring my children to a worship service?/What kind of programs do you have for children?

Children are welcome at all worship services and are fully integrated into the life of the community. Most of our families choose to attend the more casual 5pm Service on Sundays. Children and youth are active members of the parish, serving as acolytes, altar guild, ushers, and more. 

Is there parking or public parking available?

St. John’s is located in downtown Essex Village and free street parking is available on Main Street (in front of the Church) or Pratt Street (behind the church). There is also free parking available across the street behind the Essex Post Office.

St. John’s offers two handicap parking spaces available on Cross Street, located next to the church office.

What should I wear?

You may wear whatever you feel comfortable in to worship at St. John’s. Some worshippers dress up for church, some wear jeans and a t-shirt. It really doesn’t matter. What matters is that you feel comfortable.

Do I have to be an Episcopalian to attend?

You do not need to be an Episcopalian to attend St. John’s. We welcome everyone regardless of their beliefs. Our hope is that you leave our services enriched and refreshed.

Who can take communion?

Anyone! If you are who you are, which is created by God as a child of God, then you are welcome to receive the bread and wine at St. John’s. The technical, theological term is Open Table, meaning all people regardless of religious background are welcome to receive communion. Gluten free wafers are available. If you are not comfortable receiving communion, you can also come forward for a blessing.

How do I become a member?

Name it and claim it. If this is your spiritual home, where you come to praise God and practice your spiritual life, then you are a member. What this means for most people is that you attend worship regularly, contribute financially by way of a yearly pledge, and get involved in our common life. Our clergy and parish staff, can help you figure out what exactly this looks like for you. Our Parish Administrator and Communications Director, Chelsea DiDonato, can help you setup an appointment to meet with the rector to discuss further. Contact her at chelsea@stjohnsessex.org.

I grew up Catholic. What should I expect?

Services are very similar to what you grew up with except we have women priests and married priests. Another difference is that all people are welcome to receive communion. You will see some people genuflecting and/or crossing themselves during the service, and some not. We do have confession, but it is not required to take communion. Standard days for confession are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, but other times can be scheduled with a priest if you like. Please do what you are comfortable with. Our church governance is a little different, and we encourage you to take a class to find out more about the Anglican/Episcopal history and polity.

I am a member of the LBGTQIA+ community. Am I welcome at St. John's?

Yes! You are welcomed here, because we know that God made you, and God made you very well, just the way you are; and if you are good enough for God, you are certainly good enough for St. John’s! Come give us a try.


Want to have a conversation about life at St. John’s? Email Chelsea DiDonato, Director of Communications and Administration, at chelsea@stjohnsessex.org or call (860) 767-8095 and a St. John’s staff member will be back in touch promptly.

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