Dear Friends,
With Christmas just around the corner, I wanted to be in touch about our plans at St. John’s to celebrate Christmas as safely as possible together. We are obviously all concerned about the rising number of COVID cases in our area and around the country due to the Omicron variant. While we had hoped for a “return to normal” this Christmas, that is clearly not possible. My hope is that the policies and procedures outlined below will help keep our Christmas celebrations safe and joyful.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services will take place, though we will make several adjustments with safety in mind.
Everyone must wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status.
Please take care to ensure that your mask, and those of your children, remain securely in place, covering both the nose and mouth, at all times.
If you are feeling unwell or have been recently exposed to COVID, please stay home.
At Communion, we will continue to offer only the consecrated bread with a drop of wine, which is considered a full Communion. When you receive the bread from the minister, please remove your mask, consume the bread, and put your mask back on before returning to your seat.
4 P.M. | Christmas Pageant with Communion & Carols
See and hear the story of Christmas acted out and sung by our children and the congregation. This service will include the Eucharist. All children are welcome to participate in the pageant: please arrive to the Parish Hall by 3:30 p.m.
6 P.M. | Christmas Service with Communion & Choir
All are welcome to attend a festival Eucharist celebrating the birth of Christ. This service includes Christmas carols led by the St. John’s Choir. The service concludes with the singing of Silent Night by candlelight.
10 P.M. | Christmas Service with Communion & Choir
All are welcome to attend a festival Eucharist celebrating the birth of Christ. This service includes Christmas carols led by the St. John’s Choir. The service concludes with the singing of Silent Night by candlelight.
This service will be indoors in the sanctuary and Parish Hall with masks on for all.
10 A.M. | Christmas Service with Communion & Carols
All are welcome for a beautiful, simple service of the Holy Eucharist to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This service will be in the sanctuary with masks on for all.