parish life
Parish Life provides opportunities for everyone at St. John’s to gather together in fellowship with events that are fun and those that welcome all into our midst. These events help us build relationships with one another and invite all into a deeper relationship with God. Contact us to learn more!
Our Gatherings
blessing of the animals
We celebrate all of God’s creatures on the Sunday closest to the Feast of St. Francis in the Town Park directly across from St. John’s, weather permitting(or inside if need be). All are welcomed to bring their beloved pets (or stuffed animals) to be blessed.
On the first Sunday of Advent all ages gather in the Parish Hall following the 9 a.m. service to make Advent Wreaths.
There’s fun in February on an evening when we need some warm and delicious chili of all varieties and degrees of mild to hot! We have great cooks and those serious about their chili recipes. Some 10 to 12 chili makers offer their best for sampling, judging, and the awarding of trophies.
Intergenerational Valentine’s Day Card Making
On a Sunday prior to Valentine’s Day all ages (no matter what their artistic talent) gather after the 9 a.m. service to make heart-felt cards for those confined at home or for those who might appreciate a little love through the mail.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Pancakes are a hit on Shrove Tuesday night with a flare of Mardi Gras. Following supper we move to the sanctuary for an awesome evening of Jazz music offered in New Orleans’ and Gospel style.
Lessons & Carols
During Advent on a Sunday afternoon we celebrate a traditional Lessons and Carols service with an offering designated to a local outreach program. Readers for the service are mostly from the receiving charitable organization.
Light lunches
On the first Sunday of each month several volunteers provide homemade soup and homemade bread for all who gather following the 10:45 a.m. service in the Parish Hall. Fellowship and connections are made through the delight of delicious light lunch.
Men’s Discussion Group
On Saturday mornings a group of men gather in the Youth Room for book discussions, prayer, faith sharing, and fellowship. All are welcomed.
sipping sinners
Are you new to St. John’s or looking for a way to meet members from different services, then this is the right place for you!
“Sipping Sinners” is a collection of fun groups, who enjoy a great fellowship whilst nibbling on delicious tidbits and sipping their favorite beverages.
Groups of 10-12 singles & couples are formed in early October. They meet once a month until June or whenever the group decides. A host is assigned for the first meeting and thereafter the group decides who, when and where for subsequent meetings. Each member of a group has the opportunity to host, while everyone else contributes a hors d’oeuvre. If homes are too small to entertain the group, members can co-host with someone. Usually there are three or four groups each year.
This is a great way to meet other members of St. John’s. Sign ups are in the fall each year.
If you are interested in joining please contact, the church office at (860) 767-8095 ext. 10, or