our purpose
The purpose of our children’s Christian Education program and Youth Group activities is to help our youth develop a closer and more personal relationship with God and to know of Christ’s enduring love for them. Like all other ministries, Christian education encompasses all five functions of the church: worship, evangelism, fellowship, discipleship, and ministry. We welcome and include all of our children ages.
Children and youth
Our teenagers and younger children are deeply valued and nurtured. We offer them opportunities to learn and grow in the Christian faith with their peers and by joining in fellowship, service, worship, and study with members of St. John’s of all ages. We welcome all children to our Sunday worship services and offer activity bags that can be requested through an usher or greeter.

youth acolytes
Our youth acolytes assist with and enhance the services as they simultaneously learn more about the Episcopal liturgy. Acolytes serve once a month and will receive training before they serve as acolytes. If your child would like to learn more about this position, please contact Allison Fresher at allifresher@gmail.com.